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Introducing our program

In 2018


Knowledge Innovations Academy is now collaborating with the East Side Union High School District, located in the city of San Jose, California, to give students from the country of Vietnam a challenging and exciting opportunity to seek an education in the United States.

We offer a very competitive program to prepare you academically and emotionally from the start of the application process to the immersion into the American education system. We will guide and prepare you for the international student visa interview. And once you are in America, we can provide housing assistance with a suitable and ideal host family to live with.



As soon as you begin the school year, we will provide after school tutoring and counseling services, such as college applications and internship placements, to enable you to excel and maximize your learning potential. At the same time, you will be introduced and exposed to different areas of life such as community service, leadership, physical fitness, and other social activities.



Examples of 4-year universities



University of California (UC)
UC Berkeley, UC Los Angeles, UC Santa Barbara, UC San Diego, UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Santa Cruz, UC Riverside, UC Merced

California State University (CSU)
CSU Bakersfield, CSU Chico, Humbolt State University, CSU Long Beach, California State Polytechnic University Pomona, CSU Sacramento, San Diego State University, San Francisco State University, San Jose State University, California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo. See full list a

Private University

Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), New York University, Princeton University, Stanford University, University of Southern California (USC), Yale University


For more information,

please contact us at



Tel: 408-239-5520


Mon-Fri:  9am - 5pm

Sat: 9am - 1pm


3233 De la Cruz Blvd, Unit #F
Santa Clara, CA 95054

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